Getting started is easy. Simply create an account and start your self development journey by starting a course, taking on a challenge, or engaging in the community.
By signing up with you gain access to all development courses, daily challenges, hand-picked self-help resources, and the iLookin Community forum, where you can find like minded individuals to engage with.
It is our belief that there are four major self-help components that impact one’s ability to grow and evolve. Each plays a vital role in personal development and research indicates that when one component is missing, growth rates drop significantly.
Information that assists people to reach a solid understanding of what is happening physically to themselves in regards to their level of health and fitness.
Resources that encourage an understanding of what is happening in the mind related to the mental and emotional state of the individual along with exercises for adjustments.
Techniques that incorporate change agents to further an understanding of what is happening in the brain as it maps the pathways for habit formation.
Desire concentrates more on a longing for something to be in some way or on achieving something one wants, while motivation is the force that keeps one moving forward to the goal. has assembled a library of courses, challanges and resources that are evidence and research-based to assist you along your personal development path. When you take the time and effort to incorporate these materials into your life, personal development happens! The first 3 components are already built into our programming – the last component is up to you.
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